Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cleaning all day

NOPE- I'm not a maid- nor do I enjoy cleaning house! It just hit my why. I do actually clean ALL DAY LONG, but you see, it generally consist of a range of 20-32 teeth! YeP- that's me, dental hygienist, oral janitor, spit sucker, plaque smacker, cavity detector, stain fighter, tartar controller, ...ugh, now I sound like a stupid toothpaste commercial. But really after cleaning up after so many slackers all day long the last thing I feel like doing at home is MORE CLEANING! I know I should be a little more encouraging, like I'm promoting good oral health and all, but seriously, after 13 years of the same 'ol-"fight the clock, b/c I'm running 15 minutes behind on the sched. " Is getting old. I need a new career- I just can't think of anything that pays so well- come to think of it - it should pay so well- I mean seriously- who wants to look at someones' mouth all day long?- I do get asked that alot, I tell my patients that I first started out in college thinking of being a dentist and then changed my mind b/c It was entirely too much school- and too much responsibility, that Dent. Hyg. sounded way better. So thats where I am today.

I think I may try this strategy out on my husband when he comes home and complains about the mess we try to function in, I'll just explain that Honey, I have been cleaning all day long, my eyes are tired, my back is KILLing me, and I have a hand cramp, maybe that will go over good. I mean, really who has time to clean when after working all day long, then go to soccer, scouts, baseball, etc, oh yea, then homework, feed the dogs, oh gosh, we've got to get supper in there somewhere! Really who has time to clean?! I live with two boys- DO YOU THINK THEY CARE ABOUT CLEAN?! HA! LEt me just answer that with - LOOK AT THEIR ROOM! NOpe- they have absolutely NO IDEA what clean means. Clean to them is to shove as much as possible under the bed and into the closet. Maybe that's my fault b/c I just shut the door- out of site, out of mind! WEll that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Time to go rest my head b/c tomorrow is another day full of cleaning!


Unknown said...

I hear that! I actually do get things cleaned up since I don't work.... but then kids come home, school papers go everywhere, shoes and backpacks and jackets get strewn all over the house, etc. I mean, we cook their meals, do all their laundry, the least they can do is pick up their junk.

Unknown said...

:B Lucky to be one with clean teeth...